Hello, it’s me! If you’ve been following the journey of Vanilla Scented Kisses since our WordPress days (you’re a real one), you may recall that I, Vanessa would often blog (more like lament) about topics in relation to food. The blog titled “A piece of me” was a glimpse into my life as I navigated life, food, and establishing a business. I shared recipes, restaurant experiences and opinions on all things related to food. Our last blog post on that site was in 2019.

Since then, a lot has changed, Including VSK’s offering. Catering forms the largest part of our business, but we’ve also grown our library of recipes significantly. Whilst a lot has changed, the core of our passion remains to empower home cooks by sharing our love for good food.

Which brings us here, to the rebirth of our blog where we’d like to continue sharing our love for food with you. This is the first of many. I look forward to sharing more pieces of me.



